If you are unable to register, please contact Sanofi's event management company on events@maxims-travel.com


Attendance at this meeting is by invitation only and is limited to registered healthcare professionals. Persons accompanying an invited healthcare professional will not be paid for or subsidised by Sanofi and Sanofi will not accept any fees or charges for accompanying persons. Any charges levied or incurred, including those for accommodation, travel and/or meals for accompanying persons, must be paid directly to the third party. Accompanying persons are not permitted to attend any part of the educational sessions or meals organised by Sanofi.

Sanofi is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles and will store your personal details securely and to the extent required by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Any Personal Information you provide will be used only for purposes related to that activity. You have the right to access, update or correct your Personal Information, and you can opt out of receiving correspondence from us at any time. To find out how and for further information on our Privacy Policy, please visit www.sanofi.com.au/en/privacy-policy.

Sanofi works with a third party company travel management provider Maxim's Travel with whom your personal information will be shared to facilitate your attendance at the Meeting. Maxim's Travel may collect your personal information and , if arranging travel to a face to face meeting, may collect your Frequent Flyer membership details for the provision of the travel service. For more information on how Maxim's Travel uses your personal information, please see Maxim's Travel Privacy Policy

Medicines Australia Code of Conduct
Sanofi adheres to the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct (PDF).

If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at: Privacy Officer, Sanofi-Aventis Australia Pty Ltd, Talavera Corporate Centre, Building D, 12-24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113 

sanofi-aventis australia pty ltd trading as Sanofi
ABN 31 008 558 807 Talavera Corporate Centre, Building D, 12–24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113
Date of Preparation: June 2022  MAT-AU-2201747